Thursday, 7 August 2014

2014-08-07 More blessings in less time

Today’s Lesson
By Maulana Yunus Palanpuri
Topic : More blessings in less time
10 Shawwal 1435

(Note: Below is brief translation in English of Maulana’s lesson. It is an effort on our part for brothers and sisters who do not understand Urdu. It may not be up to the mark of Maulana as this is not translated by him. Any errors regretted. You may communicate any error to us for rectification. JazakAllah Khair.)

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you).

It has been narrated by Safiya (may Allah be pleased with her): The Prophet came in to see me and in front of me there were four thousand date-stones with which I was making tasbih. He said: “You make tasbih with so many! Shall I teach you what surpasses your number of tasbih?" She said: “Teach me!” He said: “Say: Subhan Allah ‘adada ma khalaqa min shaie”.

These words have blessing more than reciting subhanAllah, Prophet Muhammed (SAW) had taught this to Safiya (may Allah be pleased with her). Imagine how much Allah (SWT) will be pleased when I, you and others recite this. Incase, you pass this hadith to others and they recite this zikr, it will please Allah (SWT) and they as well as you will be blessed by Allah (SWT).

Remember, recite this zikr as is and do not change the words or add words.

May Allah grant us the ability to always remember and glorify Him.

Urdu Audio : Download 

(Glory be to Allah as many times as the number of what He has created)

Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain al-Hakim

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